Analisis Manajemen Aset Sekolah Dasar 001 Kecamatan Karimun Kabupaten Karimun Dalam Mendukung Proses Pembelajaran

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Brigita Clara
Dr.Sri Umiyati M.Si


This study aims to describe and analyze the asset management of facilities andinfrastructure in Karimun
001 Primary School in supporting the learning process. This type ofresearch uses a qualitative approach.
The research data were obtained through observation, interview, and documentation methods. The
informants of this research are the coordinating teacher of facilities and infrastructure, administration,
school committee and head of the fieldof primary school development of the Karimun district education
office. The object of this research is the analysis of asset management of facilities and infrastructure which
includes planning, procurement, inventory, maintenance, and removal. The results of the research on asset
management of facilities and infrastructure in primary school 001 karimun sub-district, namely: 1)
Planning is carried out once a year and a joint meeting is held first but there are obstacles to the source
of funds.2) Procurement is carried out according to the needs that have been planned.3) Investarization is
already runningbut there are obstacles to asset coding.4) Maintenance is carried out together with
teachers, students and school committees 5) Deletion is carried out by recording goods then submittinga
request letter to the Education Office.


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How to Cite
Clara, B., & Umiyati M.Si, D. . (2023). Analisis Manajemen Aset Sekolah Dasar 001 Kecamatan Karimun Kabupaten Karimun Dalam Mendukung Proses Pembelajaran. Irpia : Jurnal Ilmiah Riset Dan Pengembangan, 8(5), 58–63. Retrieved from


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