The Journal of Ilmiah Riset dan Pengembangan Indonesia (IRPIA) aims to provide an accessible, high-quality platform for the dissemination of peer-reviewed research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the Public Administration.

Our mission is to foster intellectual engagement and collaboration among researchers, scholars, and practitioners worldwide by publishing innovative and impactful studies. As an open access journal, IRPIA ensures that all published research is freely accessible to the global scholarly community, promoting the dissemination and exchange of knowledge without barriers.

The scope of IRPIA encompasses a broad array of Public Administration such as Public Services; Public Policy; Policy Implementation; Policy Evaluation; Comparative of Public Administration; Bureaucracy Reform; System of Public Administration; and Governance.

IRPIA ensures a rich and varied contribution to the field, fostering innovation and contributing to the global body of knowledge. Our open access model guarantees that research findings are freely accessible, thus facilitating greater visibility and impact within the academic community and beyond.