Kebijakan Dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Stunting Pada Balita Di Kabupaten Solok, Provinsi Sumatera Barat: Effort To Manage Stunting In Children In Solok Regency, West Sumatera Province
Main Article Content
The problem of stunting is still a serious concern in Indonesia, including in West Sumatra Province. Data
from Riskesdas 2018 revealed that the prevalence for short and very short children under five in West
Sumatra is 30%, and was close to the national prevalence (30.8%). This study aims to describe the
sociocultural problems, local potential, and formulate alternative policies in effort to prevent and control
stunting in children under five in Solok Regency. The research design used qualitative methods. Primary
data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews and observations. The technique of selecting
informants was done purposively. The results of the study revealed that the socio-cultural problems in
efforts to prevent and control stunting in toddlers are still limited public knowledge about the causes and
efforts to prevent stunting, inadequate understanding of the importance of balanced nutritional needs, and
the behavior, parenting patterns, and feeding habits og toddlers who does not support the prevention and
control of stunting in children under five. It is recommended that there should be alternative policies and
action plans for stunting prevention, among others, by increasing knowledge through socialization about
the risk of stunting on children's intelligence, increase participation and community empowerment for
stunting prevention by utilizing the local potential such as curd and bilih fish in Solok Regency, West
Sumatera Province.
Article Details
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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